13 July 2009

Stork Family update

Back in April I posted a photo of of our resident nesting stork in Pinerolo and was commenting on how this feathered family has seen fit to make their home there on an old smoke stack from an abandoned factory in Pinerolo for the past few years. Recently on our return home from the market the other day, I was delighted to catch a glimpse of the whole family. I'm not so sure how delighted the other folks in the cars next to us at the traffic light were to see us make a quick swerve over to the side of the road, so I could snap a couple pics of the growing family, but that's another story.

It won't be long before this young un flies the coop and the nest will be empty for another year. Actually, it is quite a long family nesting time compared to the little family that nests above our electrical box on our balcony every year. Within two weeks of hatching the little ones they have all flown the coop and the nest is devoid of any living thing. I'm always taken by surprise at how quickly it all takes place. Must be a metaphor in there somewhere about the speed of families growing up and leaving the nest, some quickly and some not quick enough. I just find it all fascinating.


Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Storks are diminishing in great numbers, and they are a protected bird..

This link from 2004 in Spain tells you more..


Bella Baita Marla said...

What a story Anne, Thanks for sharing it. Half ton nests, wow!

Fern Driscoll said...

The baby looks so, well... adult! They are the strangest birds, aren't they? I agree - fascinating.

Rowena said...

The only time I've seen storks up close was in Alsace. I believe that there were at least 12 nests all over the town of Munster! What a fond memory...I posted about it here.

Bella Baita Marla said...

They are amazing. I can't imagine seeing 12 nests dotted around town. They are so imposing. Fascinating indeed.

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