Divided loyalties, that's what I have today.
I wandered over to Alex's Blog From Italy today, only to discover that is is
World Caffarel Day 2009.
Oh the horror!
Why you ask, well because
a) I didn't know about this day and Caffarel is literally almost from our back yard.
b) tomorrow is World Nutella Day, and I made something for it to share.
Caffarel really is wonderful chocolate, perhaps not so well known outside of Italy, but it was selected as the official chocolate supplier for "The 2006 Torino Winter Olympics", held here 3 years ago, so we think it is mighty fine chocolate around these parts.
The original factory was in downtown Torino, but it's headquarters today are in Luserna in Val Pellice, just over the tops and down some of the peaks we look out at every day.
Their website is interesting and has plenty of tempting treats on it to have you curious, although they have basically buried their Crema Gianduja on the site and can only be found on the Italian side under Creme Assortite on the collezione/ atunno/inverno.
I'll make it a lot easier for you. come visit us and we'll take a drive over to the factory to their not so well publicized factory outlet, and we'll pick up a few goodies for a lot less than in the stores.
Can't go wrong with that.
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Caffarel and I would have a beautiful friendship:D
We find Caffarel wrapped chocolate eggsin the supermarket at Easter. It's delicious!
Val, I am trying to not have too special of a friendship with Caffarel as it can be very addicting.
Hello Irene, Thanks for stopping in. How nice to know that you can find Caffarel in Greece.
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