or the May Day in Italy is a time to head out somewhere, anywhere, to picnic, walk, frolic at the beachwork on the garden at the family mountain holiday house. May day though out most of Europe is the equivalent of Labor Day in America. All the factory workers are off of work and many ofthem march around waving flags and perhaps protesting the way things are these days. Our acrobatic air force jets are out painting the sky red white and green. It's just a celebratory day.
So happy May Day to all of you.
Happy May Day to you too!...not to late, I hope!
May 1st was a labor day in formerly Yugoslavia; we used to make huge fires on hill tops, so other villages can see each other's fire, and celebration. Silly, but it was fun!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for a lovely comment! You have a great blog as well, and I'll be back, there is a lot to read here :)
Thanks for stopping by. May Day is a great springtime rite. It never really caught on in America. Pity.
Happy May Day dear Marla :)
A very happy May day to you Marla!!
Thanks Marla, and I hope you had a wonderful celebration in the beautiful outdoors.
I am a Japanese. I send this site in search of joy to meet you from Japan. It is a Japanese site to understand it in various ways, but I feel joy about the encounter with you.
Happy belated may day to you too. I love your header, those mountains look glorious
I hope you are okay since things have been quiet on your blog lately. I'm off to Italy in 24 hours and can't wait. Next time I would love to get up to your place!
All is well in Bella Baita World. Thanks for stopping by while I have been busy busy with guests this past two weeks. All of your good wishes are very important to me. Thank you so much! More info to follow...
AV..did you realize that that is the view from Bella Baita? It was taken by one of our guests back over New Years. I need to do a new photo but I don't have the panoramic feature on my camera... a better camera has been on the wish list for awhile.
Jeni, I thought that you might be getting up this way in the autumn. I do hope that is still on for you!
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